By signing the PSA Player Registration Form or by signing up for or attending coaching programmes provided by PSA, players and their legal guardians (hereinafter referred to as Members) are automatically bound by and agree to abide by these terms and conditions.

Members agree to adhere to the guidelines and restrictions issued and updated, from time to time, by the DM Health and Safety, Dubai Sports Council, Knowledge and Human Development and other UAE government entities with regard to attending sports training conducted by Professional Sports Academy LLC.

Members commit to immediately informing PSA if they, or anyone they are in contact with, test positive for or display symptoms of any infectious diseases. In such case, members should NOT attend training.

Members will not share their personal training equipment including but not limited to rackets, shuttlecocks, skipping ropes, water bottles, food etc with other members.

While PSA and its partners will make necessary arrangements for a safe training environment, it is the sole responsibility of the player/member and their parents/legal guardians to ensure compliance with such guidelines and restrictions.

Members have the right to expect professionally delivered services from PSA.

Membership to PSA will be deemed automatically expired unless renewed on or before expiry date. All member benefits will cease upon expiry of membership.

Members may be given access to PSA's Online Self-Service Portal and MemberMe+ mobile app (for Android and IOS) to manage their packages and schedule their classes.

Unattended classes will be deemed as No Show. No refund or make up class will be provided for No Shows.

PSA may contract third-party training venues at which to conduct its coaching programmes and deliver its services. Members agree to abide by all rules and regulations stipulated by such third party venues in addition to PSA's guidelines. Some of these venues may be covered by Public Liability Insurance requiring adherence to certain rules and safety standards.

Members are required to conduct themselves in a disciplined and orderly manner at all times and follow the instructions of the PSA staff at the venue.

Any injury to self or others, damage to property or equipment, whether intentional or accidental, must be immediately reported to the PSA staff at the venue or by calling +971-52-9078179 or emailing [email protected]. Failure to report such injuries or damages may violate the terms of our Insurance Policy and make the player/s and/or their legal guardians liable for such injuries/damages and any related costs.

The playing area (sports hall) will only be accessible to members who have a legitimate class. Parents, guardians and non-players are requested not to enter the playing area (sports hall). Your child’s progress will be showcased at regular intervals during planned Open Days and Internal Tournaments to which parents and well wishers will be invited. Alternatively, parents may communicate with PSA by emailing [email protected] for all queries related to their ward’s progress.

Players should report to the playing area 10 minutes before their appointed class time and must leave the venue no more than 10 minutes after their class ends or after they are released by their coaches. In all cases, the playing area (courts) must be cleared immediately upon completion of the class.

Parents/Guardians may please drop and collect their children at the door of the sports hall on time. If you are delayed for any reason and cannot pick your child up on time, please inform us without delay. While we will make every effort to ensure the safety of your child, PSA cannot be held responsible, under any circumstances, for the safety of your child.

For the benefit of all, players reporting more than 10 minutes AFTER their scheduled class start time may be refused entry for that class. In such case, the class will be deemed a No Show.

Players must follow the instructions of the coaching staff at all times. Players can be barred from training for indiscipline or failing to follow the instructions of the coach. Serious offences may result in expulsion from the academy and cancellation of the player's membership. In such cases, players will forfeit all remaining classes and not be eligible for any refunds.

Where PSA uses Badminton Court Mats, players must wear shoes with non-marking SOLES for INDOOR sports use ONLY, otherwise they may not be allowed to enter the playing area. Players causing damage to Badminton Court Mats and other equipment will be held liable for such damage. PSA reserves the right to recover the value of such damage from the player or player’s legal guardians as the case may be.

Playing equipment including nets, shuttles, training aids etc. provided by PSA during classes is the sole property of PSA or the venue owners. Members are requested to respect all playing equipment to maximize their utility.

PSA Annual Memberships are NOT transferable.

Players are responsible for their belongings including their personal playing equipment such as rackets, shoes, kit bags etc. Under no circumstances will PSA be responsible for loss or damage to players’ personal belongings at any PSA or third party training venue.

PSA may, from time to time, require its members to use its own or third party software or online training tools. Members will be bound by the terms of use of such tools and will have the right to use such tools only as long as their membership is active.

Training methodology developed and used by PSA including techniques, strategies and modus operandi may be proprietary to PSA. Members, parents / guardians of members privy to such information will maintain the confidentiality of the information. Videography and photography during training sessions is strictly forbidden unless with prior permission from PSA.

If classes cannot be conducted by PSA for reasons that are deemed within its control, such classes will either be made up by PSA or a corresponding refund provided to the member at the sole discretion of PSA.

To streamline the flow and effectiveness of communication, any queries regarding players’ progress or concerns or complaints should be directed in writing by email to [email protected]. Please refrain from calling or messaging the coaching staff.

All Discounts and Promotions are mutually exclusive and cannot be used in conjunction with each other.

Members hereby grant PSA the right to use their testimonies, pictures and/or videos taken during PSA training sessions unless specifically denied in writing by them.

Members relinquish, waive and discharge Professional Sports Academy and any other associated company or individual related to their participation in PSA training services and understand that activities of this nature involve certain risks. Members confirm that they are in good physical shape and have no serious medical conditions that would prevent them from participating in PSA's coaching program. Professional Sports Academy or any other associated company or individual will not be held responsible for any injury, damage suffered directly or indirectly arising from the activities carried out during the coaching activity.

Members acknowledge that NO supplemental insurance is provided by Professional Sports Academy and that they shall be solely responsible for any and all expenses required in case of injury or damage.

In case of any discrepancy, the terms and conditions herein will supersede any other terms and conditions communicated to members by other means.

PSA reserves the right to amend, append or otherwise modify these terms and conditions without notice.

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Professional Sports Academy

P.O. Box 39438

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

+971 52 907 8179


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· Copyright © Professional Sports Academy LLC 2025. · All Rights Reserved. · Powered by MarketlyX ·

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